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Cities are in trouble. A new report by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and National League of Cities—The Economy and Cities: What America’s Local Leaders are Seeing—shows that effectively every city, county, and town in America is expecting a budget shortfall this year. “[The] coronavirus will have a staggering impact on municipal employment,” notes the report, with about half expecting layoffs or furloughs. Depending on population size, 50% to 75% of municipalities will cut public services—and more than half expect that to include police.

With cities facing their most severe budget headwinds in generations, every sector of government can expect to be scrutinized to gauge impact on the community, including the nation’s 4,500 local arts agencies (LAAs).

Local arts agencies—arts councils, arts commissions, cultural affairs departments—lead, cultivate, and support an environment in which arts and culture can thrive. They ensure vibrant and accessible arts experiences for all. LAAs are an essential tool for local leaders as they work to rebuild their economy and promote social cohesion in the wake of COVID-19.

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Parallel Parking - The Lincoln Community Playhouse moves outdoors

Arts Organization are taking a terrible blow during the pandemic, but many are finding creative solutions. The Lincoln Community Theatre has taken a creative 'if they can't come to the play, take the play to them' approach. They are beginning Parking Lot Plays in July. “We are headed to the parking lot to begin to ease our way back into performances," stated Morrie Enders, Executive Director. The theatre will present a combination of cabaret performances, old-time radio, and a melodrama throughout July and August in the parking lot.

Imagining a post-pandemic art world

I attended my first political rally while still in high school at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. Earlier that year, Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy had been assassinated, many cities were in flames, and antiwar sentiment raged. The convention site was locked down, but I jumped right into the street protests. Television news cameras filmed the police riot that bloodied and bruised us as we chanted, “The whole world is watching.”

Amidst the civil unrest of that decade, an aesthetic revolution was also percolating. Peter Brook’s The Empty Space and Jerzy Grotwoski’s Towards a Poor Theatre called for reimaging a stripped down essentialism. Their credos echoed Anna Halprin’s task-oriented movement and Yvonne Rainer’s No Manifesto. John Cage, Terry Riley, and Ornette Coleman deconstructed compositional notions. Amiri Baraka’s plays called out white racism, New Wave filmmakers embraced quirky realness, and visual artists tossed out all the rules, as art performed life.

Reinventing arts education Pathfinder summer school goes virtual

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How a Local Business Chamber & the Arts Work Together as a Vital Emergency Response and Long-Term Economic Vision

Unprecedented免费网络加速essential … are words we have heard much about during the COVID-19 crisis. These words, in fact, describe every artist, arts educator, and arts organization—and not just during an emergency. Each of us as human beings are heard, healed, uplifted, and empowered by and through the arts. In both unprecedented crises and unprecedented times, ART is essential. With a growing understanding of the vital role the arts play in successful communities, Baton Rouge Area Chamber has sought to better understand and formalize its relationship with the arts sector.

Mayor's Arts Awards will be Presented Live Online on October 20, 2020

For the safety of our winners, arts community and Mayor's Arts Awards guests, the Lincoln Art’s Council recently decided to host our 2020 Mayor's Arts Awards virtually on Tuesday, October 20, 2020.

We had hoped to celebrate with you in person, however Covid-19 remains a very real part of our everyday lives. The Lincoln Arts Council (LAC) Board of Directors decided that to ensure the safety of everyone involved, the Mayor's Arts Awards will be presented live online.

2019 Lincoln Arts Festival Emerging Artist Danny Reneau’s Artwork Chosen for Lincoln Billboard Art Project

When fellow artist and friend Tom Sullivan sent 2019 Lincoln Arts Festival Emerging Artist Danny Reneau a link to the Lincoln Billboard Art Project about a week before it was due, he was already thinking about making a sign for his front yard just to bring color and encouragement to his neighbors. So, he had already been in the mindset to make something similar. “But having the opportunity to instead create a sign to encourage our city is really incredible and I’m thankful,” says Reneau.


  • Acklie Charitable Foundation
  • Farmer's Mutual
  • Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts